

If your child is absent from school, please contact the Attendance Office via email at

This information MUST be included in any communication for the absent notes the student's first and last name along with the date of absence and the reason. A medical/parent note must be sent to the attendance office within 3 school days of the student’s return.   It will not be coded without it.


Student Name:  Jane Doe

Day & Date:   Sunday, January 00, year


Note: Excused Tardies or Early Release Tardies and early releases are never excused. Only a student who leaves early for a medical appointment and submits a doctor’s note will be coded as an excused medical absence. All other early releases are coded as unexcused.

 The Texas Education Agency requires that students must attend at least 90% of the days a class is offered and earn a passing grade in order to receive credit for the course. If your student misses school for a medical absence, a medical note must be sent to the attendance office within 3 school days of the student’s return.